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The King James Bible
Translation Release Date: March 2, 2011 [EBook #10]
[This King James Bible was orginally posted by Project Gutenberg in late 1989]

Bible Stories and Pictures From the Old and New Testaments
Author: Anonymous
Published by S. Babcock 1842
When the children of Israel were journeying from Egypt to the land of Canaan, Moses disobeyed one command of the Lord. For this act, God told him he should not enter[Pg 3] the Land of Promise. But as Moses repented of his sin, God said he should be permitted to see the land.

The Influence of the Bible on Civilisation
Author: Ernst Von Dobschutz
Copyright, 1914 By Charles Scribner's Sons
Excerpt: One of the greatest questions of our day is how modern civilisation and Christianity can go on in harmony. One can approach this question by several ways, but historical investigation has always proved to be the surest. The author has in mind to write in German a full "History of the Bible," when time will allow. Meanwhile this brief sketch may prove useful. Readers who look for references will find most of them in an article contributed by the present writer to Dr. J. Hastings's Encyclopædia of Religion and Ethics, vol. II, on "The Bible in the Christian Church."

The Children's Bible
Author: Henry A. Sherman, Charles Foster Kent
Copyright, 1922, by CHARLES SCRIBNER'S SONS
"The Children's Bible" provides, in simple English, a translation of selections from both the Old and the New Testament. These selections have been made as a result of more than twenty-five years of observation and study. The text is that of the Bible itself, but in the language of the child, so that it may easily be read to the younger children and by those who are older. It is not in words of one syllable, for while the child is reading the Bible he should gradually learn the meaning of new words and idioms.

The Wonder Book of Bible Stories
Author: Compiled by Logan Marshall
Editor: Logan Marshall
Copyright, 1925, by The John C. Winston Co.

Illustrations of The Book of Job
Author: William Blake
This Issue is reproduced in reduced facsimile from the original Edition published by William Blake in the year 1826.

The Book of Enoch
tr. by R.H. Charles
The Book of Enoch, written during the second century B.C.E., is one of the most important non-canonical apocryphal works, and probably had a huge influence on early Christian, particularly Gnostic, beliefs. Filled with hallucinatory visions of heaven and hell, angels and devils, Enoch introduced concepts such as fallen angels, the appearance of a Messiah, Resurrection, a Final Judgement, and a Heavenly Kingdom on Earth. Interspersed with this material are quasi-scientific digressions on calendrical systems, geography, cosmology, astronomy, and meteorology.

Pleasure & Profit in Bible Study
It is always a pleasure to me to speak on the subject of this volume. I think I would rather preach about the Word of God than anything else except the Love of God; because I believe it is the best thing in this world.


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The Book of Job
Subtitle: Reading by Robert Garrison
Author: Unknown